Dear Residents,
As you will all be aware Arundo Estate has been through challenging times in the past weeks as a result of Electrical defects, which did not only affect the day to day operation of the Estate Management office but the community at large.

The area experienced load shedding on the 15 March 2019 until late morning, when the Estate Management office realized that there was electricity in the neighbouring properties, except Arundo. We contacted the City of Tshwane immediately and fortunately, a technician was dispatched around 2 pm to assess the issue. It was at this point when we realized that this issue was beyond the City of Tshwane and we engaged a competent fault finding Electrical engineering company to come and help us identify and resolve the issue.

During the initial investigation, the contractor mentioned that there was an HT trip on the main mini-sub (located at the main gate). After all the necessary testing were done, the contractor found that the cable feeding the eastern side of the estate was damaged. With further testing, they discovered that there was another fault identified at the mini-sub station positioned on Sedge Crescent and this was as a result of previous damage which was never repaired and no major services were carried in
the past two years on the current electrical infrastructure.

With further investigations, it was highlighted that despite these long outstanding maintenance work on the current electrical infrastructure, the fault at the main exit gate was as a result on two (2) earth spikes which were hit into the HT cables by the current electrical fencing contractor, causing the HOAD to issue an urgent instruction to have all these defects fixed in order to restore the power to the rest of the estate.

The recent power outage which was experienced on the 25 March 2019 was also as a result of the dilapidated infrastructure and new cables had to be replaced in order to have the power restored. We would like to reiterate that although this has been temporarily resolved, the Estate Management office together with the Arundo Estate HOA directors are in the process of conducting an audit on the current electrical infrastructure in order to replace, fix and repair all the electrical defects in the Estate to avoid further challenges going forward.

Arundo Estate Home Owners Association Directors (AEHOAD) together with the Estate Management office further informs all residents that the Fencing contractor involved will be held liable for a portion of the costs spent in resolving the above.

Furthermore, we do not condone the misconduct portrayed by some of the residents, which varied from insulting the Directors, Estate Manager, and the Contractor, and resulted in violent altercation towards one of the Directors. This will not be tolerated and there will be repercussions for their actions. We want to reiterate that whatever the
situation, no one has a right to insult and abuse another person.
We wish to apologize sincerely, to all residents of Arundo Estate and plea with all residents to cooperate with the Estate Management office,
Directors and the Contractors, during such unforeseen challenges.

Thank You.
Andrica Lekganyane – Estate Manager


Annual General Meeting Highlights Enforcement of the Conduct Rules Introduction of the New Estate Manager Communication Gardening Services Fault/defect logging Know your HOA directors Current and Future Projects

Annual General Meeting – Highlights
The HOA directors wish to thank all the residents who managed to attend the recent Annual General Meeting held on the 11 March 2019. The following are some of the highlights from the minutes distributed to all the residents through e-mails. 

 Clean Audit (Unqualified)  No levy increase proposed  New HOA Directors were appointed (see below)  Noise disturbance (Including loud mobile speakers used by children in common areas) and Speeding are strictly prohibited in the complex  Internal Building regulations are to be adhered to by all owners in the estate. Enforcement of Conduct Rules
Levy Payments – The owners are encouraged to pay both their Body Corporate levies and their Home Owners Association levies on a monthly basis. This will not only deter owners from being handed over to the attorneys should they fail to pay the levies on time, but it will also
help the HOA through the Estate Management office, to maintain all the HOA common areas. 

Security – security protocol must be adhered to at all times, and owners and residents are required to always treat the security personnel in a co-operative and patient manner. No Residents may issue instructions to security personnel. No unauthorized person may loiter or enter the guardhouse unless in extreme validated emergency.
Children – Parents are encouraged to monitor their children’s movement, especially on common property. For the children safety, children should not play on the driveways outside their properties (ball games included). Parents, guardians are also encouraged to ensure that their children do not play anywhere near or around motorcars parked on the communal property. 

Motor Vehicles and Parking – No resident/visitor may park or leave, or allow a vehicle to be parked on the communal property, including communal lawn. The Directors may reserve the right to have the vehicle towed away that is parked on an
unauthorised area, at the cost and risk to the owner of the vehicle. Vehicles may not be driven at a speed in excess of 20 km per hour on the communal property.
Gardens and Lawns – Please can the Residents of every private stand or complex water the common area’s lawn on the street side adjacent to his or her stand/complex. The Estate management office is responsible to trim all common areas. 

Complaints/Queries/Suggestions – should be in writing (preferably via email), to either the Directors/Estate Manager, or be put in the provided box next to the Estate Manager’s office.
We encourage all owners and residents to familiarise themselves with the conduct rules at all times. INTRODUCING THE NEW ESTATE MANAGER – AREA GROUP
The Directors of the Home Owners Association would like to inform all service providers and residents that a new Estate Management company has been appointed effective 11 March 2019 to monitor, manage and maintain all the duties of the Home Owners Association (HOA) office at Arundo Estate. This office will be headed by Andrica Lekganyane (Estate Manager) who is the Executive Chairwoman of Area Group Property Service. Andrica has over 15 years of experience within the South African Commercial and Residential property industry. She holds a Honours in Property Valuations and Management, she is one of the first candidates in Africa to be accredited as an Internationally Certified Property Manager by the Institute of Real Estate Management based in Chicago. She has also completed retail property management courses and will soon graduate with an MSc Building (Property
Management and Development) at Wits University.

Andrica has worked for industry giants within the private sector as well as a state-owned entity as a Property Portfolio Manager, Asset Manager, Assistant Centre Manager, to mention a few. Both her academic and technical knowledge will contribute significantly to the proper development and management of Arundo Estate.

The Directors of the HOA welcome Andrica Lekganyane and her team to the Arundo Estate family and trust that all residents/service providers will work very well with her office in order to achieve the objectives of the Home Owners Association (HOA).
Contact Details
Tel 011 568 4424 Cell 072 721 4388 Mon – Fri 09h00 – 16h00 Email Emergencies 063 685 1476 (Security) WhatsApp Helpline Cell 072 721 4388 Monday to Friday 16h00 – 21h00 Saturday 09h00 – 12h00 Address Arundo HOA 66 Rietspruit Road The Reeds Centurion

New Fingerprints Registration

New fingerprints registrations will be done on the second Tuesday and first Saturday of the month.
Second Tuesday 16H00 – 19H00 First Saturday 09h00 – 12h00 Information Update(s)

Should be done at the Estate Manager’s office and all residents are encouraged to complete and sign the necessary forms, and also provide their original ID card, book or passport. Any questions regarding this should be directed to

Gardening / General Workers Services

The AEHOA Directors wish to inform all residents of the appointment of three (3) General Workers whose sole purpose is to maintain all the HOA common areas. These workers report directly to the Estate manager and are fully equipped to carry out their duties.

Residents are encouraged not to give instructions including any work/duties to the General workers during normal business hours.

The HOA, its directors/representatives will not interfere in any disputes, and/or arrangements made between the general workers and residents, should the latter wish to appoint them directly for private jobs.

Any suggestions and complaints regarding general maintenance work at the estate should be directed to the Estate manager at

Fault / defect logging

All residents are encouraged to log emergency defects (faults) in writing, with pictures where possible to during business hours, otherwise via the provided Whatsapp Helpline. Residents are also
encouraged to address Body Corporate related queries/faults to their respective property management company.

Know Your HOA Directors

N Skosana Unit 282 (49 Cadenet BC) T Tleane Unit 235 (1 Cadenet BC) E Moodley Unit 52 (Stand 5163/1) N Sanyane Unit 289 (7 Cavaillion BC) N Nthambeleni Unit 356 (22 Lorraine BC)

Current and Future Projects

Current Projects
Electric Fencing – Ubomi Tech
Anticipated Completion date – 05 April 2019
Major Electrical Work – Quebec Replacement of Switch-Gear and cables next to Lorraine. Anticipated Completion date – 31 March 2019

Future Projects

  1. Replacement and Fixing of all Streets Lights – April 2019 2. Re-Align and replace current heavy duty rubber speed humps at the entrance gate and exit gate – April 2019 3. Audit Current Electrical Infrastructure and repair or replace where necessary – April – Aug 2019. End.