ISSUE NO 2 | JUNE - 2019

Poor Levy Collection | Improvements around the estate | Next Special General Meeting (SGM) | Visitors Management System | Community Portal | Arundo Website | Fun-Day| Conduct Rules | Security

Poor Levy Collection
The HOA directors wish to thank all the residents who are paying their levies in time but we have serious structural problem of nonpayers which is affecting the service that HOA has to offer the resident. HOA has to pay in excess of R200,000.00 per year in legal fees, even though we recover this money from the defaulters it is an undesirable situation as these funds can be used to improve the estate.

We as Directors have consulted extensively with property specialists and lawyers on measures which we are going to take to force defaulters to take seriously their levy payment obligation.
It is important for residents to note that all these services and benefits they are enduring are being paid for, by other residents in the estate.

The owners are encouraged to pay both their Body Corporate levies and their Home Owners Association levies on a monthly basis. This will not only deter owners from being handed over to the attorneys should they fail to pay the levies on time, but it will also help the HOA through the Estate Management office, to maintain all the HOA common areas. Improvements Around The Estate

Maintenance of Electrical Infrastructure

In recent past we had a breakdown of our main core power supply and upon investigation we realised that even our back up supply had some problems. The HOA invested approximately R130,000.00 and have further upgraded the electric fence around the estate at a cost approximately R64,000.00.

Special Projects

Recently we have had some security challenges in the main street from Rooihuiskraal going down Rietspruit Road, after the opening of this street the security risks have increased due high traffic volumes. To keep the residents of Arundo Estate safe we have decided to upgrade the main entrance gates to modern gates which will also help to improve the aesthetic of the estate.

Communal Garden
In the coming month, the HOA will invest in the improvement of the communal garden areas which will include planting additional trees, and lawndressing.

We encourage residents and managing agents to water common area lawns that are within this vicinity and we will carry-on with our responsibility to trim and groom the lawns as per the conduct rules.


As you might be aware, Arundo Estate HOA conduct rules have not been updated. It have become imperative for us to amend them so that they can be aligned to the rules governing community schemes, POPI and other related legislation, including the introduction of the Community Ombud (CSOS).
We have outsourced the services to a professional to align them, the rules will be circulated to owners for comments in the first week of July 2019 in anticipation of having a special general meeting to approve the rules in August 2019.
The very same will be used to approve the ten (10) year maintenance plan which might attract levy increment so that we can manage to improve the estate.


The HOA Directors will also submit proposals for the metering company to take over from IMPACT Meters. Visitor’s Management System
The HOA Directors are pleased to inform you that in the next coming weeks, we will introduce a new visitors management system (VMS) by GloVent. This system will help us improve the security around Arundo Estate, which will include but not limited to

  • Proper recording of visitors – Proper recording of contractors – Pre-authorisation of visitors
    This will help us manage the traffic better at our entrances.
    We have had your complaints about the costs which were associated with the initial system we wanted to introduce and we have decided to proceed as follows:
  • It is known fact that owners around the gated communities are responsible for the costs associated with the visitors management system (VMS), as Arundo Estate HOA Directors, we have decided, for cost containment reasons, that residents will not be charged for using the sms for pre-authorising their visitor, which can be generated via an application or text. – However if residents still opt to still utilize the Intercom the charges associated with costs of the call, will be billed to the property owners. The costs will be R2.50 per call. – All visitors will be required to present their Identity document or driver’s license before access can be granted. The system will not grant access unless the above have been produced to the security guards and scanned accordingly.

Refer to the attached User-Guide for information. The HOA Directors through the Estate management office will communicate further information towards the end of June 2019. Community Portal
With the introduction of the new visitor’s management system, it comes with the community portal at no additional cost. This community portal will help improve the communication between the HOA directors, Estate Management Office, Security and the Residents.

The residents will use this portal to log and follow up on Estate defects and to make appointments with the Estate Management office.
Residents will also have access to notices, newsletters, estate magazines, conduct rules and other important information. These will also help HOA Directors to keep all the historic information for future references.
This system will help us to manage levy defaulters, since they will be locked out of the system especially where no arrangement has been made and/or honoured with the HOA Directors through Angor. Arundo Estate Branding

The HOA Directors wish to inform residents that the Estate has been rebranded and to that effect the new logo has been adopted by the HOA Directors, these includes stationeries.
All external and Internal Arundo Estate branding will be improved to match the new corporate identity.

This logo was inspired by the Arundo Donax plant.
We are going to be relaunching the Arundo Estate website, in the near future. This website will be used together with the community portal to communicate Estate news and updates. We welcome any comments and suggestions pertaining to the new design which will be improved as an on-going project.

Residents can visit the new Arundo Estate website at ARUNDO FAMILY FUN DAY
The Estate Management office will be planning a family fun day for Arundo Residents for the 31 August 2019 as proposed this will include 5km and 10km fun run/walk and Aerobics Power Hour, and this will happen in and around the estate. Further information will be communcated through the Estate Management office. CONDUCT RULES
Security – security protocol must be adhered to at all times, and owners and residents are required to always treat the security personnel in a co-operative and patient manner. No Residents may issue instructions to security personnel. No unauthorized person may loiter or enter the guardhouse unless in extreme validated emergency.
As winter is upon us we urge residents to be extra vigilant outside the perimeters of the

Estate due to the number of security related incidents reported to the Estate Management offices, in the past weeks. Residents are reminded to contact the South African Police Services (SAPS) as soon as they feel threatened in any way outside the Estate.
Should any incident take place within the boundaries of the Estate, kindly alert the Security Officers immediately and you are advised to involve SAPS if you believe any criminal activity has taken place.
Furthermore, Please be reminded that our Security Officers are for the safety of the residents within the boundaries of the Estate and as such nor the Security company or the HOA office, its Directors and representatives, will be held liable should an incident take place outside/inside the estate. It is therefore in the best interest of the residents to take extra precaution on as it gets dark earlier due to winter.

As the management of Arundo Estate we care about the safety of our residents hence we have appointed Security Officers to help enforce this. We would appreciate it if any and all interactions with the Security Officers is done in a considerate and respectful manner. We also urge the residents to refrain from engaging in altercations with the Security Officers and rather contact the Estate manager (in writing) if the matter cannot be resolved in a respectful manner.

Residents are encouraged to go through Arundo Estate’s Conduct Rules especially regarding safety and security. Remember to stay safe and alert at all times.

Children – Parents are encouraged to monitor their children’s movement, especially on common property. For the children safety, children should not play on the driveways outside their properties (ball games included). Parents, guardians are also encouraged to
ensure that their children do not play anywhere near motorcars.

Residents and visitors including children are encouraged to use the provided bins for disposal refuse. Let’s help preserve the environment.
Motor Vehicles and Parking – No resident/visitor may park or leave, or allow a vehicle to be parked on the communal property, including communal lawn. The Directors may reserve the right to have the vehicle towed away that is parked on an unauthorised area, at the cost and risk to the owner of the vehicle. Vehicles may not be driven at a speed in excess of 20 km per hour on the communal property.

Complaints/Queries/Suggestions – should be in writing (preferably via email), to either the Directors/Estate Manager, or be put in the provided box next to the Estate Manager’s office.

We encourage all owners and residents to familiarise themselves with the conduct rules at all times.
Contact Details
Tel 011 568 4424 Cell 072 721 4388 Mon – Fri 09h00 – 16h00 Email Emergencies 063 685 1476 (Security) Website Address Arundo HOA 66 Rietspruit Road The Reeds Centurion

New Fingerprints Registration

New fingerprints registrations will be done on the second Tuesday and first Saturday of the month. Second Tuesday 16H00 – 19H00 First Saturday 09h30 – 12h30

Information Update(s)

Should be done at the Estate Manager’s office and all residents are encouraged to complete and sign the necessary forms, and also provide their original ID card, book or passport. Any questions regarding this should be directed to

Gardening / General Workers Services

The AEHOA Directors wish to inform all residents of the appointment of three (3) General Workers whose sole purpose is to maintain all the HOA common areas. These workers report directly to the Estate manager and are fully equipped to carry out their duties.

Residents are encouraged not to give instructions including any work/duties to the General workers during normal business hours.

The HOA, its directors/representatives will not interfere in any disputes, and/or arrangements made between the general workers and residents, should the latter wish to appoint them directly for private jobs.

Any suggestions and complaints regarding general maintenance work at the estate should be directed to the Estate manager at

Fault / defect logging

All residents are encouraged to log emergency defects (faults) in writing, with pictures where possible to during business hours, otherwise via the provided Whatsapp Helpline. Residents are also encouraged to address Body Corporate related queries/faults to their respective property management company.

Know Your HOA Directors

N Skosana Unit 282 (49 Cadenet BC) T Tleane Unit 235 (1 Cadenet BC) E Moodley Unit 52 (Stand 5163/1) N Sanyane Unit 289 (7 Cavaillion BC) N Nthambeleni Unit 356 (22 Lorraine BC)

QUOTE OF THE MONTH “With realization of one’s own potential and self confidence in ones ability, one can build a better world”